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10 Sources About the Skiing and Snowboarding Community

“10 Reasons Snowboarding is Better Than Skiing.” Jenna Rickard,

Written by a snowboarder, this article presents a serious of reasons why snowboarding could be considered better than skiing. The claims are briefly explained, so could benefit from a more thorough analysis. There is inherent bias in this article because it was written by a snowboarder and supports snowboarding.

“10 Reasons Skiing is Better Than Snowboarding.” Jessica Kopitz,

In this sister article to the previous, a skier presents reasons why skiing could be considered better than snowboarding. The bias present here is completely opposite to the bias in the previous article. Because of this, this article would function nicely as a series of counterclaims to address the previous article.

“Alberta Ski Resorts Confident in COVID-19 Safety Plans.” Daniel Austin, Calgary Herald.

This article looks at how Canadian ski resorts will be able to open during COVID-19, noting that because skiers are so spread out on the mountain, risk of transmission is low. By speaking directly with multiple ski resorts across Western Canada, the author paints a broad picture of expectations for the upcoming season. Although not expanded upon in this article, the actions being taken by these resorts supports a culture of safety and encouragement in the skiing and snowboarding communities.

“Does This Utah Snowboard Park Signal the End of Skiing as We Know It?” Chez Chesak, LA Times.

This article about a snowboard-only park highlights the difference between ski culture and snowboard culture. Written by a respected publication unrelated to winter sports, the article is impartial in terms of supporting skiers or snowboarders but notes that they are clearly different groups of people. It could be interesting to think about whether this park is genuinely more enjoyable because of its layout or only because of snowboarding elitism.

“How Skiing Through a Pandemic Can Create a Community Crisis.” Shauna Farnell, New York Times.

Written at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, this article criticizes skiers and snowboarders who injure themselves on dangerous backcountry trails, taking up valuable hospital beds. Written by a respected publication, the article has no clear bias on skiing vs. snowboarding, only that all riders should make responsible and safe decisions. This article highlights some of the dangers that come with both skiing and snowboarding.

“If You Care About Snowboarding, Show Up to Vote.” Danny Davis,

In this op-ed by a professional snowboarder, the author instructs all those with an interest in winter sports to vote blue in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. The author’s prominent role in the snowboarding community, combined with his claim that climate change poses a gargantuan threat to winter sports, creates a very persuasive piece of writing. This op-ed works because the ski and snowboard communities are so unified and have common goals and enemies.

“Now Is Not the Time to “Try” Backcountry Skiing.” Max Ritter, Teton Gravity.

This article talks about the dangers present in skiing and snowboarding on ungroomed and uncontrolled paths in the woods, known as backcountry skiing or snowboarding. Because the author writes in-depth about the dangers of unprepared trails, the article proves that backcountry is much more hazardous than traditional skiing and snowboarding. This article functions well as a warning sign to anyone who wants to avoid ski resorts during the COVID-19 pandemic by going into the woods.

“Skiing vs. Snowboarding – Is One Safer Than the Other?” Marc Haro, Mission Health Blog.

This post from a medical blog seeks to answer whether skiing or snowboarding is the safer winter sports and concludes that it is completely dependent on the rider. Written by a doctor, the post analyzes the differences in the type of injuries inflicted upon skiers and snowboarders to prove that injuries are more likely to happen to less cautious riders, regardless of what they are riding. This article is useful to disprove the notion that snowboarding is more dangerous than skiing.

This article, written by a snowboard enthusiast, dives into how the design of snowboards is changing to better accommodate snowboard-specific maneuvers. The author talks about the recent innovation of volume shift snowboards, which make it easier to carve on trails. This could be used to suggest a widening gulf between the ski and snowboard communities.

“Top 5 Summertime Activities to Skiing and Snowboarding.” Annalisa,

This post, written by a winter sports blog, lays out a series of activities that could strengthen one’s skiing and snowboarding abilities in the summer. The website’s encouragement of winter sports allows the reader to trust their recommendations. This post is very informative for anyone who wonders how to get the thrill of skiing or snowboarding without any snow.

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